Praise The Lord and God Bless you for coming to our website.
Welcome to 2024 and remember that in the midst of so many changes and adjustments yet being made, God is Still the Same according to Hebrews 6:9.
On behalf of the Real Life Family, we are asking for God to open the windows of Heaven on your behalf, but remember repentance may be the starting place. Perhaps a mindset adjustment is necessary, or maybe just a return to the fundamental principles you already know. Whatever is needed for you, Do It! God is ready to do the amazing in and through your life.
Walking by faith is always risky. Stepping out into what you believe God will fulfill when in the natural it has not manifested , requires a father Abraham kind of faith that "staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief" (Romans 4:20). God has not and will not change. What HE did for others, HE will do for you.
Pray for us as we strive to bring resources to this website that will encourage and help you develop in the things of God. So let's go---God is watching over HIS Word to perform it over our lives
(Jer 1:12).
Our theme this year is BETTER THAN BEFORE IN 2024 !
Move in faith-- God has us covered!
Bishop R. Lantigua, Jr

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